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divendres, 17 de febrer del 2023

Platonisme i Ontologia matemàtica


Al llibre sobre el Fedre Rosen afirma que mentre és clar que el platonisme exigeix una fonamentació matemàtica per per una explicació discursiva de l'àmbit de la gènesi aquesta no pot ser una ontologia matemàtica doncs : Numbers cannot speak about themselves, as was evident to Pythagoras and Plato, if not to their contemporary disciples..... Hence the recourse to myth, poetry, or prophecy; the same procedure, incidentally, as is followed by the most "positivistic" of contemporaries, who always invoke notions like "mathematical elegance", "simplicity" and the like. By the same token, an adequate account of Platonic Myth, as necessarily discursive or dianoetic, is necessarily inadequate, or (less paradoxically) incomplete; it cannot be completed without access to noesis, and this completion can never be completely explained. An explanation of myth is therefore itself a myth

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