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dimecres, 23 de novembre del 2022

Els nostres problemes amb el Cosmos


The human Being is a part of the Cosmo; hence the cosmos cannot be orderly if human being is disordered. And the well ordering of Human Being is a matter of tecné, namely the political tecné. On this specific point the Eleatic Stranger agrees with Protagoras. One could also argue that the Stateman and in particular the myth of the reversed Cosmos, makes a somewhat different point: human being, more specifically the human soul, is a cosmic interloper, or is not at home in the cosmos. This problem may also be stated as that of the bifurcation or internal disorderliness of nature. In this case, either there is no cosmos (“order”) by nature, or the natural order itself produces the disorderliness of the human soul. With either of these alternatives, the human need to enforce orderliness upon itself includes, or is necessarily extended to, the need to impose its own order upon nature

Stanley Rosen The Symposium (introducció)

Però qualsevol redreçament possible implica alguna mena de repressió que pels fills de Rousseau és acceptable, llavors pensar l’univers com Caos és alhora una font de consolació i l’única aposta possible

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