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dissabte, 2 de març del 2024

El problema de l'educació moderna segons Bertrand Russell


Fa una mica més de cert anys Bertrand Russell ja sabia més de les nostres autoritats educatives (catalanes, espanyoles, europees) que la gent que escriu a l'Ara o a la Razón: 

It must not be supposed that the officials in charge of education desire the young to become educated. On the contrary, their problem is to impart information without imparting intelligence. Education should have two objects: first, to give definite knowledge, reading and writing, language and mathematics, and so on; secondly, to create those mental habits which will enable people to acquire knowledge and form sound judgements for themselves. The first of these we may call information, the second intelligence. The utility of information is admitted practically as well as theoretically; without a literate population a modern state is impossible. But the utility of intelligence is admitted only theoretically not practically: it is not desired that ordinary people should think for themselves, because it is felt that people who think for themselves, because it is felt that people who think for themselves are awkward to manage and cause administrative difficulties.

(Sceptical Essays, Routledge, pag. 135)

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